About Whatshalfway.com

Whatshalfway.com provides a unique way to find somewhere to meet or stop halfway between two or more locations.

Great for planning road trips, business meetings or catching up with friends or family halfway in over 120 countries worldwide.

How it works...

We use Google technology to keep ahead of the changing world around us, ensuring we have the latest maps, routes and venues in over 120 countries worldwide.


Venue information including addresses and contact details are all maintained by the venue owners. This means the accuracy of the information is unfortunately out of our hands.


We welcome feedback good and bad, please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.


We are always looking for opportunities to create strategic partnerships to help grow and expand the site using our API. Contact us for further information.


As the founder and regular user of whatshalfway.com, I am delighted with what we have created but I am always looking for new ideas and opportunities to further develop the site.

My goal is simple - to get the whole world using this site!

So, I hope you enjoy finding places to meet or stop, spread the word if you like it! Credit to my good friends Katy & Alastair for giving me the idea for the site when we were looking for somewhere to meet halfway!

Oli Anderson

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