For long journeys plan a more detailed route and make more stops to split the journey up...

  1. Click here to start your journey plan.
    Enter your start and destination addresses.
    Add places to go via by clicking ‘Add towns/places to the route’.
    (Plan a specific route by adding a town/place you know is on that route)
    Add more stops and split the journey into more equal part.s
    Choose a venue type for each stop.
    Hit Submit!
  2. Find a venue using the map or the results list.
    Select each stop by clicking the green arrow and refine your search if needed or try using the Keyword search.
    Increase/decrease the search radius by using the slider.
  3. Select a venue from the map or the results.
    Click Email Directions.
    Send yourself the directions.
    Tell your friends about this great website!

For a simple search to find the halfway point between two places, use the What's Halfway search.

If you're meeting up with people from more than 2 locations then use our Meeting Planner to find somewhere in the middle of everyone.

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